Friday, March 11, 2016

Practicing Mindfulness

Not only can physically activity build a strong body, but it can build a strong mind as well. Below are articles that speak on the benefits of yoga with babies/children to promote developmental growth and teach self-regulation and relaxation. Parents may also reap the benefits of practicing mindfulness and yoga with their children, and it can be a fun bonding experience for everyone involved.
"Yoga is beneficial to children of all ages, but it has been found to be particularly so for kids with special needs. Studies have shown that yoga benefits children with autism and ADHD. NPR has reported that researchers surveyed teachers at a Bronx public school that had a daily yoga program and found that the program reduced kids' aggressive behavior, social withdrawal, and hyperactivity, compared with a control group of kids with autism who did not practice yoga. Kristie Patten Koenig, Ph.D., an associate professor of occupational therapy at New York University who led the study, says that yoga was effective because it seemed to play to the strengths of kids with autism while also reducing stress. Autism Key, an autism support website, says that yoga helps address kids' heightened anxiety, poor motor coordination, and weak self-regulation, something that otherwise is very difficult to do."

Below is a link to a free website called Cosmic Kids. The site provides links to yoga videos specifically made for children. The videos are fun and interactive to keep children's attention.